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EDUCATION MATTERS- now more than ever

If everyone has a college degree, a bachelor's degree would not provide the value it should to be able to earn a hirer waged job.


Will liberal arts degrees become more endangered than they already have been ?  

(clearly history, government, geography, philosophy and economics education is lacking right now)


Will people wanting to study art and design be minimalized?


Should tax payers pay for yet another psychology or marketing degree? 


Would some colleges end up shutting down or consolidated into online learning which is questionable in terms of educational results?


Why not go after the colleges and universities to investigate why tuition has skyrocketed?


Why not create programs for work study programs to earn hands on learning such as improving and revising vocational education?


Using critical thinking skills should lead you to understand that all of this is extremely concerning for the sake of our future.

Senator Sanders uses the example of Sweden and Europe, but there is more to it than most Americans understand.



2012 Tertiary enrollment for College

These videos below prove that money needs to be spent on SECONDARY EDUCATION, not "free college".

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